الاثنين، 29 يونيو 2009

قصيدة اعجبتنى man

Be judge yourself ; I'll bring it to the test
Which is the basest creature ,man or beast :
Birds feed on birds ,beasts on each other prey ;
But savage man alone does man betray.
Pressed by necessity they kill for food;
Man undoes man to do himself no good .
With teeth and claws by Nature armed they hunt ;
Nature's allowance ,to supply their want ;
But man with smiles ,embraces , friendship, praise,
Inhumanly his fellow's life betrays ,
With voluntary pains works his distress ,
Not through necessity, but wantonness.
John Wilmot))

هناك تعليقان (2):

elekomm - إليكــم يقول...

Best and purest moment of the life stand the person with himself

rashad يقول...

thankc elekomm and that is right